Registro e Incorporación
La Universidad Cristiana Internacional “El Shaddai” DBA, también registrada en Texas legalmente con el nombre de North America Thelogical Seminary, INC., bajo el File Numbre 802376033, es una entidad educacional/religiosa sin fines de lucro y está aprobada por Department of the Treasury in USA (IRS) como una corporación non-profit.
- La Universidad Cristiana Internacional “El Shaddai” esta registrada bajo el Texas Education Code, Section 132.002(a) (2) in Austin, Texas.
- La Universidad Cristiana Internacional “El Shaddai” está registrada en el Estado de Texas como una institución educacional non-profit.
- La Universidad Cristiana Internacional “El Shaddai” cuenta con el status de excepto de impuestos (Tax Exempt) del Internal Revenue Service (IRS) bajo la sección 501 (c) 3. Todas sus donaciones y estudios pueden ser deducidos de los impuestos.
- Registered on Florida Department of Education: Commission for Independent Education (State Board of Education). According to the Commission, our institution UCIS, has met the requirements of state law and is not subject to governmental oversight pursuant to Section 1005.06(1)(f), Florida Statutes. It reads as follows: A religious college may operate without governmental oversight if the college annually verifies by sworn affidavit to the commission that:
a) The name of the institution includes a religious modifier or the name of a religious patriarch, saint, person, or symbol of the church.
b) The institution offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocation as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.
c) The titles degrees issued by the institution cannot be confused with secular degree titles. For this purpose, each degree title must include a religious modifier that immediately precedes, or is include within, any of the following degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, and Doctor of Education. The religious modifier must be placed on the title line of the degree, on the transcript, and whenever the title of the degree appears in official school documents or publications.
d) The duration of all degree programs offered by the institution is consistent with the standards of the Commission for Independent Education as set forth in Rule 6E-2.004(4), F.A.C.
e) The institution’s consumer practices are consistent with those required by s. 1005.04, F.S.
1. La Universidad Cristiana Internacional “El Shaddai” está acreditada por: Transworld Accrediting Commission International.
2. El Dr. Henry Alvarez es comisionado oficial de la Transworld Accrediting Commission International (Transworld Commissioner).
3. Active member of the American Association for Higher Education & Accreditation, Inc (Formerly AAHE), is one of the oldest associations in the United States dedicated to the advancement of higher education.
Convenios Académicos
*La Universidad Cristiana Internacional El Shaddai firmó un convenio académico con la muy ilustre Universidad Cristiana de Honduras (UCRISH). Estudios Teológicos Universitarios: convenio académico con la UCRISH.
Tenemos un convenio academico con Western Theological Seminary
In 1866, seven of the eight members of Hope College’s inaugural graduating class wished to become ministers and petitioned the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America, asking that “arrangements be made for them to prosecute their theological studies at that college.” The RCA operated New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Jersey, but these students did not want to relocate. Synod responded favorably, noting that the first request to establish a theological center in the West had come in 1848. Dr. Cornelius Crispell was appointed professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology of Hope College’s new theology department and was soon joined on the theological faculty by Dr. Philip Phelps, president of the college, and Dr. Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of the Holland colony.
A number of challenges confronted the college, including a devastating fire that destroyed most of the city of Holland in 1871, a nationwide financial crisis in 1873, lower-than-expected enrollments, and inadequate financial support from the western churches. The situation became so critical that the General Synod directed the college to suspend the activities of the theological department in 1877. To that date, 29 students had graduated with advanced degrees.
Theological education was resumed in 1884 with Dr. Nicholas Steffens installed in the freshly endowed ($30,000) chair of Didactic and Polemic Theology. Five students enrolled. A year later, in 1885, the seminary formally separated from the college, establishing its own governing board, faculty, and curriculum. The name of the new school was the “Western Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church in America.”
Steady Growth
The new school had very little, and instruction continued on the Hope College campus. Years later, Dr. Albertus Pieters reflected, “What there was in my student days is easily described: grounds, none; recitation hall, none; maps, none; library, none; periodicals, none. This is a complete and accurate inventory of the Western Theological Seminary at that time.”
The first building, Semelink Family Hall, housing five classrooms and a chapel, was constructed in 1895. Zwemer Hall, a student dormitory, was built in 1914 at a cost of $27,216. Dr. James Zwemer was an indefatigable fundraiser for the seminary, as well as a professor of practical theology and president of the faculty. About the same time, a library was added, built by Dr. John W. Beardslee, Sr., professor of Biblical Languages and Literature, at his own expense. The enrollment grew steadily (there were 94 graduates in the 1910s and 131 by the 1930s), and eventually, Western became the largest supplier of ministers, missionaries, and theological professors to the RCA.
In 1955, under the leadership of President John R. Mulder, the familiar Georgian colonial seminary building was constructed during a time of sharp enrollment increases following the Second World War. 282 students graduated in the decade of the 1950s. A Master of Christian Education degree was developed in the 1960s, and women faculty and students joined the Western community.
The late 1960s and 1970s saw much change, including a creative experiment called the “Bi-level Multi Site” with New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Jersey. For a short time, Western’s President Herman “Bud” Ridder became president of both schools, and students also moved between both institutions. The school also was becoming, albeit slowly, more multicultural.
The six-story Cook Center for Theological Research was opened in 1981 during the presidency of I. John Hesselink. The city of Holland closed 12th Street at about the same time between Columbia and College Avenues, causing Western to relocate its main entrance onto 13th Street. The school expanded its educational offerings significantly during Hesselink’s presidency by establishing a Doctor of Ministry degree.
During the presidency of Marvin D. Hoff in the 1980s and early 1990s, a growing need for better student housing resulted in townhouses being built across 13th Street. During those years the Bast Preaching Initiatives were endowed, and a professional development staff was added.
Recent History
Over the years, the seminary has been blessed with strong, visionary leaders who led Western through program, building, finance and faculty expansions all in the name of preparing leaders for the church of Jesus Christ.
During the presidency of Dennis Voskuil (1994-2008), Western successfully completed two capital campaigns and built the DeWitt Center for Theological Education, housing the Burggraaff Atrium, classrooms, and administrative and faculty offices. A new Distance Learning Master of Divinity degree was launched, and in 2007 the Ralph and Cheryl Schregardus Friendship House was built, the first student housing of its kind in the country, where seminarians live alongside adults with cognitive disabilities.
During the presidency of Timothy Brown (2008-2019), seminary enrollment reached record heights. Innovations took place, like the partnership with the Newbigin House of Studies of City Church San Francisco, the Ridder Church Renewal process, a new focus on disability and ministry, and the launching of the Hispanic Ministries program. A major renovation of the Mulder Chapel was completed in 2012, and a Master of Arts degree was added in 2013. The seminary leadership adopted a comprehensive strategic plan in 2014, with ambitious initiatives in diversity, curriculum, and facility renovation. As a result, the physical campus underwent transformation as the 1950s building was renovated, and the 6-story library made way for the 21st Century Jack and Mary DeWitt Learning Center.
Dr. Felix Theonugraha became the twelfth president of Western on July 1, 2019. Dr. Theonugraha’s personal experience, as well as his professional role as a talented administrator, make him uniquely qualified to lead WTS into the rapidly changing and diversifying world of theological education.
The history of Western Theological Seminary is strong. It is a history of preparing leaders for the church of Jesus Christ through times of challenge and change. The future is bright, and Western will continue to prepare relevant, engaged leaders for the enduring work of the Gospel in all times and places.
Accreditation Western Theological Seminary is officially related to the Reformed Church in America and an accredited member of the Association of Theological Schools. Its degree programs are authorized by the Department of Education of the State of Michigan. Programs of the seminary are approved for the use of VA educational benefits under the provisions of the Veterans Administration. Western Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. The M.Div., D.Min., M.A., and Th.M. degrees are approved by the ATS. WTS is approved for a Comprehensive Distance Education Program.
*We also have the certification of TACI, the largest non-governmental theological organization in the United States and internationally.
Palabras sobre Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI)
Esta es una información valiosa sobre nuestra principal agencia de acreditación. Está respaldada por una serie de centros educativos importantísimos en USA. Además cuanta con el respaldo de los ministerios de mas distinción en el mundo carismático / pentecostal es los EE UU. Vea estos links:
- Newspaper: Rhema College Expands to 165 Campuses in 45 Nations
- Charisma College Guide on TRANSWORLD’S GROWTH IN POPULARITY as Non-Governmental
- RHEMA accredited with TACI
- TACI Commissioners – Dr Henry Alvarez
- Some great institutions accredited with TACI
- News from TACI – Facebook
- Dr. Steve presenting Drs. Kenneth & Lynette Hagin AccreditationTACI HOME PAGEGateway International Bible Institute Accredited by TACIPictures from Graduation – TACIPictures – TACI AccreditationsPresidente TACI y Kenneth Hagin Jr.Be a part of TACI
Written by Rodney Howard-Browne
Church schools and theological training centers have an advantage over other types of liberal arts institutions in developing God’s purposes in students—and it’s by God’s design
In some areas of Christian education the church at large has taken a back seat. This has not always been the case, however.
Many of the great universities were founded by preachers carrying the fire of God, building places of higher learning to raise up missionaries and sending them to the far-flung corners of the globe. Over the years these institutions were transformed into liberal arts colleges that do not acknowledge God in any way, even though their very foundation stones and entranceways include Scriptures that were meant to guide the way. The vision and fire of each minister, however, cannot be passed down by osmosis but has to be caught by future generations. Within 50 years—some even over shorter periods—these schools had moved away from their founding purpose. In many cases the organizations were hijacked and are no longer dedicated to the intentions of the original founders.
Now, I have no problem with students studying law, medicine, business, arts and sciences, etc., in a school equipped to train them. But when it comes to spiritual things concerning the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, it is impossible for men and women to train others when they are themselves ignorant and blind to the things of God. They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof (see 2 Tim. 3:5). They deny the virgin birth; they refute the inherency of the Scriptures and the infallibility of the Word of God. They deny the cross, the blood, the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and His bodily resurrection; they scorn the idea of sin, hell and heaven. These are beliefs that are now, and have always been, essential to the Christian faith. If they do not believe and teach these things, they are not qualified to teach the Scriptures, no matter how much accreditation they hide behind.
Every school of training facility has a unique mission, yet it’s my belief that church-based Bible schools and theological training centers hold an even greater advantage for God’s purposes—by God’s design—over every other type of liberal arts institution. These types of schools have remained truer to the genuine roots of education that is focused on the great success of God’s people, done God’s way. We, as the church—the fivefold ministry as taught by Paul in Ephesians 4 (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers)—are taking back the training of our children, our youth and our adults in the Word of God. Churches have been losing too many of their youth to institutions in far-off places, never to see them return. Many of these young people don’t even serve God anymore because they went to a learning institution not connected to a church, lost their way and went off into the world.
This is a travesty. Everything must flow out of the local church. Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18, ESV). We are not raising our children and young people just to lose them to a godless, heathen, atheistic, New Age intellectualism.
So what are the advantages of what I call “church-accredited” schools and theological training centers? The following are just a few of many.
The church school is non-governmental. These schools inherently keep a separation between church and state. We must keep the government out of the church. The seizure of Caesar has been rampant. Federally recognized colleges and universities are slowly but surely being forced to tolerate and accept non-discrimination laws concerning lesbian, gay, transsexual, anti-Christian and other ungodly clubs, faculty members and students. This is in direct contradiction to the standards of God’s Word.
Even on a Christian campus, the voice of the believer is often hushed and chilled by the heavy hand of tyranny. With Caesar’s money comes the noose. The push for government acceptance has caused the power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to be taken out of most places of learning. It is time to put God’s Word and His Holy Spirit back in our institutions of higher learning! It’s time to tell the establishment “No!”
Church-based schools are exempt from the control of godless dictators in high office. In fact, government accreditation does not even review doctrinal teachings, whatsoever; it is bypassed because of separation of church and state. For example, in the case of River Bible Institute, where I am president and founder, Transworld Accrediting Commission reviews our institutes for biblical sound doctrine, as it does for all its members.
The church school offers placement. Our graduates are spiritually and practically trained, then placed into successful positions. The benefit for all is that church-planting groups then have candidates to draw from, mission organizations have candidates to place where needed, and the students receive placement in the field into which they’ve desired to go. This is crucial and should be a concern of every institution. It is our highest priority!
We must look not only at placement, but also continuing education, licensing and ordination—after a proven period. As Scripture says, “Recognize those who labor among you” (1 Thess. 5:12, NKJV). Students’ Christian character and accountability can be vouched for by their mentors. This will put a stop to para-church “lone rangers” who are a law unto themselves, neither submitted nor accountable to anyone. They can then be corrected and disciplined in accordance with the Scriptures. This is the job of the church. It also puts the authority of the Body of Christ back in its rightful place.
Church-based training schools are part of God’s financial system. Many non-church institutions are dinosaurs, slaves to Caesar and politically correct. They’ve become student loan-mills, designed to produce long-term massive student loan debt that devours, yet all the while yielding high profits to the puppet masters pulling the strings. Their degrees come with a huge price tag.
Church Bible schools, on the other hand, offer lower school fees and, as is the case at River Bible Institute, we give scholarships. The only provision is that each student must return to the city and church from whence they have come, and then be sent out from there. We want our students to finish their education financially free, able to launch out to obey the calling of God on their lives and fully equipped to produce immediate ministry success.
Degrees from a church-based school are accepted, and credits are transferable. Revival Bible Institute and many other Transworld Accrediting Commission Bible and ministry schools have partnered with and have been accepted by major institutions throughout the U.S. that are accredited regionally or otherwise. Even if not credit for credit, there is acceptance of our credits. We stand together. What needs to be realized is the fact that some of the greatest church leaders of the past, as well as some of the present leaders, were educated by church-based Bible schooling. This training needs to come back to the church!
Church-based schools have a theology. We’re tired of our Pentecostal schools being treated as “strange fringe groups” because we teach on being led by the Holy Spirit and hearing the voice of God. We are not “strange” because we believe in signs and wonders, healing and miracles, tongues, prophecy, temporal blessings, provision, and prosperity. We accept, as truth, all the other doctrines of the church: the total depravity of man, sin, heaven and hell, and the need for repentance. Enough is enough! We have biblical proof—Scripture to back up what we believe, and we are willing to debate anyone, anywhere and anytime. The fruit of the transformed lives of believers, the power of the cross, the blood of Jesus and Pentecost are all in effect today! Pentecostal theology is solid and is considered the full gospel. While we recognize other institutions belief structure in the evangelical world, we take exception to the continual badgering and persecution by our brethren, and we are tired of being treated as lepers.
Church-based education is the new paradigm. Our school is part of the Transworld Accrediting Commission, which has a membership of about 500 ministries in the U.S. and internationally. AsCharisma magazine has observed, our peers include some of the top church ministries and Bible educators in America. Whether large or small, we are biblical, active and successful ministries taking back our Christian education and heritage from secular authorities. We are raising up disciples and expanding the kingdom of God worldwide. We are planting churches and Bible schools in accordance with the Great Commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples (see Matt. 28:18). In addition, we are following through and making certain those disciples’ mission is a success.
Accreditation is only as good as the education received. In Acts 19 the seven sons of Sceva took it upon themselves to preach Paul’s message and commanded an evil spirit to come out of a man in Jesus’ name. “And the evil spirit answered and said, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?’” (v. 15). The demon had not heard of their accreditation. In the same way, accreditation is only recognized by those who are familiar with the accredited institution. Yet ultimately the ministry God has given us is spiritual and not just mental. It is by the power of the Spirit of God and the power of the Word of God that the church marches on!
Rodney Howard-Browne is the president of River Bible Institute, River School of Worship and River School of Government. In 1997, he and his wife, Adonica, launched River Bible Institute to train students in the Word and the Spirit, imparting into their hearts both a spirit of evangelism and of revival. For more information, go to
Ademas contamos con un convenio academico que beneficia aun mas a todos nuestros estudiantes. Se trata del
Western Theological Seminary en Holland, Michigan y la Asociación Teológica Hispana (ATH) con sede en 1901 W. Beverly Blvd. Montebello, CA. 90640